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You could be missing out hundreds in LOST cash – how to claim

TRAVELLERS could be missing hundreds of pounds in lost cash on their travel cards – here’s how to claim your money back. 

There are currently hundreds of millions of pounds of unclaimed credit on the old cards. 

Pound coins and bank notes.

According to the latest Transport for London (TfL) figures,  more than 81 million Oyster cards haven’t been used for a year, MoneySavingExpert reports.

There’s a massive £530 million on these cards including £260 million in initial top-ups that are made when you get a card, and over £270 million in pay-as-you-go credit

You can check how much credit you have on any old Oyster cards that are lying around by using a ticket machine in the tube station. 

Or you can register your card online. 

There are several ways you can claim your money back.

You could email TfL using its online form to request the refund. It aims to reply within 10 working days.

If you have less than £10 to refund you can use ticket machine to get your cash.

All you need to do is tap you Oyster card on the yellow card reader and select “Oyster refund”.

Follow the instructions and you’ll be given a refund in cash.

You can call TfL customer services and ask for a refund for your card – you’ll just need your Oyster card number to hand.

The number is 0343 222 1234 (which costs the same as a normal 020 number) and the line is open 8am to 8pm, seven days a week.

Finally, you can apply by post. Write to TfL Customer Services, 4th Floor, 14 Pier Walk, London, SE10 0ES.

Be sure to include your contact details and Oyster card number.

Other ways to claim refunds on train tickets

If your train is delayed you should always check to see if you can claim a refund. 

If your train is delayed or cancelled, the Delay Repay scheme means you could get your money back.

The scheme is nationwide and covers all train companies – how much you get back depends on how long the delay is and the type of ticket you have.

Compensation ranges from 25% of the ticket price right up to 100%.

You’ll get a full refund if your train was delayed by 120 minutes or longer.

National Rail says on its website that getting a refund depends on the type of ticket and the circumstances of you needing a refund.

The website has a table that lets you check to see whether you qualify. 

What other refunds could I be owed?

There are lots of ways that you can get refunds if you’re unhappy with a service.

If your airline cancels your fights, for example, you are entitled to a full refund, to be put on the next possible flight, or to fly at an agreed date. 

That’s because passengers flying from a EU airport (with an EU or non-EU airline) are protected by the Denied Boarding regulations.

But your airline doesn’t have to give you a refund if the flight was cancelled due to reasons beyond its control, like extreme weather. 

You also won’t be able to claim money back for flights which are cancelled but rerouted and get you to your destination no more than two hours later than planned.

If you think you are due a refund, the best thing to do is go to your airline’s website. 

And you can get cash back on certain bills if you suffer from service issues. 

According to money expert Sarah Coles you could get at least £353 by applying for refunds and compensation for the following cases:


You could get a minimum of £48.29 if you run up against the following issues with your broadband provider, Ms Coles said:

  • If your service drops and is not fully fixed in two full working days, you’ll get £8.40 for each day it is not repaired – which is at least £16.80.
  • Engineers miss appointment – £26.24 per appointment
  • Delays to new service starting – £5.25 per missed day


You could get at least £65 if your water company doesn’t provide these services:

  • If your supply is interrupted – £20, and £10 for every 24 hours after that
  • Water pressure is too low – £25
  • Engineers missed appointment – £20


If the power goes out, then you could get the following compensation, which all together is worth a minimum of £220:

  • If it’s good weather, you can get £75 if it’s off for 24 hours, and £35 for each additional 12 hours, capped at £300
  • If it’s bad weather – it depends on how extreme the conditions are, but you could get £70 if the power is off for 24 hours, after which you’ll get £70 for each additional 12 hours capped at £700
  • If you’re cut off more than four times a year for three hours each time, you’ll get £75

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You could be missing out hundreds in LOST cash – how to claim